5.03. 2020. 7pm in MAG Gallery (Szeroka Street 32) feel invited to the opening of “A3” exhibition – works by three architects: Małgorzata Mizia, Beata Malinowska-Petelenz and Mariusz Twardowski.

Architecture has and – truly is – an impact. Social, cultural, financial. It’s a reality connecting business, creatives and politics. Architecture is also a story. About values, challenges, possibilities. And somewhere between those meaning one can find free thinking realized by architects with non-technical field.
“A3” exhibition presents artistic mindset of three architects-professors of Architecture Faculty of Technical University in Krakow – Małgorzata Mizia, Beata Malinowska-Petelenz and Mariusz Twardowski. Work with color or ascetic black and white searches, nature and phisicality of form – those are the ways followed by the artists.
“A3” in MAG Gallery is really a chain-like exhibition, a narrative built out of three independent – but at the same time coexisting – exhibitions of painting, drawing, ceramics and photography. Artists are looking for inspiration not only about architecture or its form. Architecture and inspiration happens in between discipline and freedom. Between idea and pragmatics. Authors – all of them architects – see those spaces differently.
A3 | ceramics talk by Małgorzata Miza – ceramics, enamel and non figurative paintings created during interdisciplinary workshops. Work with color and surface structure, used differently in each technique, is an important part of authors expression.
A3 | exploration of form by Beata Malinowskia-Petelenz is an invitation to the world of visual contrasts. Exhibition is created by abstract series “Ferrofluctuations” and drawings which are an aftermath of touristic and scientific travels. It’s and explosion of color and organic structure with simplicity and architecture’s discipline.
A3 | architecture of nature by Mariusz Twardowski consists of national parks photography. Nature and it’s pure and original form happened to be an inspiration for the author. That’s how this contemplative, non-architectural composition was created. Made in USA.
Anna Petelenz
AP KunstArt Fund
Małgorzata Mizia, prof. PK – architect, academic teacher, painter – interested also in ceramics. Author of 50 exhibitions in Poland and abroad, also in New York. Participant of international artistic workshop. Her paintings are a part of institutional and private collections in Italy, Germany, Spain, Austria, Canada, UK and USA.
dr hab. inż. arch. Beata Malinowska-Petelenz, prof. PK – architect, painter, book author and illustrator. Published both ins scientific and popular magazines. 2012-2019 a member of SARP – Krakow. Author of 22 individual exhibitions and 20 collective, presented among others in Poland, Germany, Austria and Japan. Collaborates with new media artists. Concentrates on color (or concious lack of it), organic structures and architecture.
dr hab. inż. arch. Mariusz Twardowski, prof. PK – since 1996 co-owner of MTWW Architekci studio (former Twardowski Wokan Studio Projektowe). Since 2018 continues own projects and won competitions. Publishes in scientific and popular magazines, participant of architectural (mostly photographs) exhibitions – both individual and coolective, in Poland and abroad.