Momentum Gallery 02: MOT/her KC

KRAKERS 2020, Momentum Gallery, Zamoyskiego Street 27/17

23 and 24.04.2020, 6:30-9:30 pm

The personal is political once radical feminist idea of Carol Hanisch, in “mot/her” is realised by personal Anna Wańtuch’s narrative. She leads an intimate story directly to the camera. Herstory in Mot/Her is a reality of borderland – indeterminate, open, searching for approval in social context. Intimate video arts od FA Collective create a space of meanings re-creating, constituing and negating itself at the same time. Meanings like pregnancy, womanhood, feminism, choice, society, politics, family, social expectations towards women – this is the world in FA Collective videos.

Mot/Her KC started at the beginning od 2017 and consists of 29 videos, realised weekly, same day, during Artists pregnancy. It’s a documentation od personal events and experiences. FA Collective dives deep into discourse of woman’s body, mind and identity questions in social and political context.



FA KOLEKTYW is created by Anna Wańtuch and Filip Wańtuch. They collaborate, both in private, parental and creative life. Mot/Her is their first mutual project.

Anna Wańtuch

Dancer, performer, dance and Contakids teacher. Received Alternative Dance Academy scholarship in 2019 realised by Art Stations Foundation by Grażyna Kulczyk. Resident of Dance Move Cities, international project co-realised by Krakowskie Reminiscencje Teatralne. Participant of Drama Forum with Christine de Smedt organized by Instytut Muzyki i Tańca. In 2012 she started “Postnatal project”. In 2017, with FA Collective, started Mot/Her KC. Sereval videos were presented during Women behind na Screendance landscapes in Venice and in shortfilm selection  POSITIONING (Malta), during off selection of FestiwaluIn Out, Łaźnia in Gdańsk. Project was discussed in an interview in  WomenCinemakers Biennale 2018

Filip Wańtuch

Graphic and animation author. He’s and author of films and animations for Teatr Tańca DF, among others “My Vincent, part 3”, “Lulilulilajka”, “Truskawkowa” and editing of shows. In 2010 he presented and created scenography for “Luminesmachia” spectale (choreography: Katarzyna Skawińska). Works in movie and theatre production.


Anna Petelenz, Małgorzata Petelenz

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