Futuristic nostalgia
You know it’s not the same as it was. And it never will again. Something’s coming. The change. Another shift in your life. New mornings, new rythms, no ideas to rely on.
Make space for the new you while digging into no longer existing spaces. We say good old days even when those were not that good. Maybe we were young, maybe things were different. Maybe there was Glitter in the sky, glitter my eyes or maybe – we were just too afraid to face the upcoming. Olden days, board games, chewing gums – childhood memories and tricky worlds that we used to believe in. And then – your kids that grew up. Buildings that are thorn down. City you no longer recognize. Your old desk and dreams that never came to life. Future that you paint with memories. Face the future, check what’s coming, use your nostalgia muscles to operate on unknown.
We’re looking for works related to nostalgia mindset, melancholic cityscapes that no longer exist, old regimes and futuristic nostalgia. We do not look for answers, we’re looking for poetic statements from different parts of the world.
Art foundation AP KunstArt Fund is calling for entries for our upcoming exhibition in Momentum Gallery, Krakow. We’re looking for:
– video arts (up to 6mins)
– photographs/collage/visual (size app. A3- pls send high quality file)
– sound art (fixed media, up to 5 mins)
– texts /flash stories, up to 4000 characters including spaces / – material for the catalogue not exhibition space
* for this exhibition we do not welcome AI generated/supported artworks
Submit your work by sending (fundacja@apkunstart.org) ONLY OPEN LINK to online documents :
– your work
– short bio and portfolio info
– description/info/statement of your work and how it meets the topic (at least 100 words, not more than 250 words this is necessary for the catalogue, pls do not skip this part)
– please DO NOT attach your works to the email
– put your name in the email title
Open call results will be published on our website and social media – mid september.
*link needs to be available without passwords/logging in
*by submitting your work you agree to have it published also by us, so if your work was presented before, please make sure that you have all necessary copyrights
Open call – Momentum Gallery, Chopina Street 17/3, Krakow, Poland
Organiser: AP KunstArt Fund
Ddl: 23.08. 6pm (CET)
Exhibition start: October 2023
Curated by: AP KunstArt Fund
Exhibition might be postponed BUT WILL NOT BE CANCELLED. Photo documentation will be shared online. Selected works will be presented in the Gallery, Foundation website and promoted on our digital platform niemuzeum via exhibition catalogue (ebook).