We’re happy to announce the results of our „Endings | Time machine” open call. We’re truly grateful and honoured by all submissions that we received.
Congratulations to the artists, expect us to contact you in the following days :
- Vlad Nikorcuk
- Huang Hua
- Lerie Pemanagpo
- Tiina Herttua
- Marta Levytska
- Dan Obama
- PredaPavel-Silviu
- Serge Bulat
- Sandrine Deumier
- Nenad Nedeljkov
- Joas Sebastian Nebe
- Maja Renn
- JangGuinLim
- Filip Wierzbicki-Nowak
- Mauricio Sanhueza
- Wiesława Nowicka
- Eugenia Grammenou
- Osvaldo Cibils
- Eugenia Demchenko